
Accreditations: why your contribution is vital to the recognition of your diploma.
The necessary criteria to obtain this accreditation are: research excellence, quality teaching, and social responsibility, as well as the professional integration of our students.
Number 3! After a rigorous and strict audit, Montpellier Business School has been awarded our third accreditation - from EQUIS (European Quality Improvement System). This distinction is our third after the AACSB and AMBA accreditations obtained in 2011 and 2012 respectively.
This triple accreditation certifies the recognition of our degrees and our academic excellence meeting international standards.
✨ Montpellier Business School obtient l’accréditation EQUIS et la « triple couronne ». 👑 🔖 Déjà accréditée AACSB et...
Posted by Montpellier Business School on Wednesday, October 2, 2019
These accreditations are awarded by independent international institutions. EQUIS has certified the entire school for three years. This is a strict distinction, of which only 14 French schools have received this accreditation.
MBS has now become a member of a “very close circle of 1% of global business schools to obtain this triple crown”. We give a warm thanks to the graduates who were involved in the various stages of the audits.
The requisite criteria to obtain this accreditation are: research excellence, quality teaching, and social responsibility, as well as the professional integration of our students.
Therefore, as an alumna or alumnus, you contribute to the recognition of your school and reciprocally.
A strong and engaged network
With our directory [update my profile], we can put you in contact with a dozen of our voluntary graduates enthusiastic to answer the questions of our auditors.
Among them was Clotilde Collos, 2004 graduate, accepted to agree to participate in the discussions. She said, “I agreed to participate out of curiosity, but also out of commitment because, as a graduate, it affects to me”.
She explained, "It was very interesting. The questions were relevant, well-directed, and well-meaning. The exchanges provided me with a new angle of viewing the school and the impact it can have."
An internationally-recognised standing
The network’s international standing is also one of the determining factors in receiving this accreditation.
This is demonstrated by having 30 branches on five continents, as well as the organisation of more than 60 afterworks organised. The increasing number of expatriate graduates has, among other things, substantiates the richness and diversity of careers in the four corners of the world.
The employability of our graduates
The career paths of our graduates have an undeniable impact of on a person’s economic life, whether in terms of business creation, value creation, or social engagement.
Among the criteria adopted, EQUIS has ensured the means put in place our ability to support the employability of MBS Alumni. The results of our career development service [22,000 jobs offered to graduates], has made it possible to meet expectations.
In addition, our proposals for innovative actions, such as symposiums with societal and managerial topics, are part of the dynamics of the network.
Whether in the tech sector, an SME, or a large international group, each of you gives testimony to the school’s ability to train tomorrow’s managers. We warmly thank the alumni who participated in these exchanges.
“Proud of the work accomplished by our school and our graduates”
Nothing can be done without you. From updating your contact information to participating in different events, you are more than ever indispensable to highlighting the value of the MBS Alumni network.
“We are proud of the work accomplished by our school and our graduates.” Clotilde concluded by saying, “it’s a very good business card for our student – our future alumni.”
🥳Congratulations to Montpellier Business School @Montpellier_BS for its #EQUIS accreditation! What a great news!🥳
— EFMD News (@EFMDNews) 2 octobre 2019
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