Life Long Learning - Se formation tout au long de la vie

"In a business world shaken up by an unprecedented health crisis, accelerating transitions and the projection of the skills your organizations will need in the future, lifelong learning takes on its full meaning.

Montpellier Business School is at your side to support the development of your skills and those of your teams, through an offer tailored to your needs.

Our leitmotiv is to develop the employability and agility of individuals and teams in the service of organizational performance, with a focus on global responsibility and inclusion.


Would you like to enhance your professional experience by obtaining an additional diploma, or give an employee the opportunity to validate a diploma based on their professional experience? Opt for VALIDATION DES ACQUIS DE l'EXPERIENCE (VAE)



Would you like to enhance your professional experience by obtaining an additional diploma, or give an employee the opportunity to validate a diploma based on their professional experience? Opt for VALIDATION DES ACQUIS DE l'EXPERIENCE (VAE)

If you are a graduate of the Bachelor's program and have built up your experience over a number of years, and would like to obtain the Grande Ecole program (bac +5) by validating your professional experience.

  • Prerequisite: 1 year's experience in the field of the PGE diploma
  • Application to the process: admissibility file (Livret I VAE)
  • Support: 24 hours of distance learning by VAE Consultants, followed by a face-to-face examination on the Montellier Business School Executive campus.
  • Fee: 6,000 euros


If you're looking to upgrade a business line and support your teams in obtaining a diploma from a leading business school, MBS can help you from the personalized diagnosis to study the feasibility of the project, right through to the presentation of candidates at the VAE exam.

Take advantage of this project to harmonize the practices and skills of your teams through a training plan associated with the VAE process.

Get involved in a group VAE and/or hybrid VAE approach:

If you wish to further develop your skills and expertise, MBS can help you :

Certificate Programmes: Block courses

100% distance learning

Focus Programs: Short courses

Certificate programmes", courses leading to a block of skills

  • Strategy Certificate
  • Certificate in Financial Management
  • Management certificate
  • Sales & customer relations certificate

Focus Programme" short courses leading to qualifications

  • Strategy & Financial Steering
  • Management & Leadership
  • Cooperation & Agility
  • Steering transformations: digital, CSR, organizational
  • Sales performance & Customer relations
  • Human Resources & Labor Law
  • CSR & Global Performance
  • ...

100% distance learning short courses in French or English

  • Management & Leadership - 14 hours
  • Inclusive Management and CSR - 14 hours
  • Optimizing sales performance - 12 hours

Elite" seminars:

At the heart of the French national soccer team's training center in Clairefontaine, experience decision-making under constraints and leadership development in action with our teacher-researchers.velopment of your leadership in action with our teacher-researchers and Johan HAMEL, MBS Graduate, Ligue 1 International Federal Referee, from the French Football Federation.

Seminar price: 2,450 euros

Alumni advantage : - 15%

Customized programs

Montpellier Business School also puts its expertise at the service of your teams and organizations, working with you to create step-by-step personalized and innovative programs that meet your challenges and needs.

These tailor-made programs draw on the best academic talent and the know-how of our trainers and coaches to develop skills, anticipate and build the company of tomorrow.

Our Continuing Professional Development team will work with you to create and implement a unique training program based on a proven methodology:

  • Acknowledging challenges and translating needs into training solutions
  • Pedagogical co-design and financial engineering support: Montpellier Business School engineers the pedagogical and financial aspects of the project in collaboration with your HR & Training teams.
  • Adjustments to validate the pedagogical model
  • Communication and launch of the program to internal stakeholders
  • Co-supervision and co-leadership, if required: deployment of the system, training program coordination and operational management of the training program.
  • Overall assessment of the system and implementation of a continuous improvement plan

Any questions?

If you have a specific need, please contact:

A development manager and an educational engineer will get in touch with you to discuss your project and work with you to find the solution best suited to your needs.

ALUMNI Testimonial

  • Hervé FLAMENT, Development Director SAFER OCCITANIE

Sales team development training, then support for management teams in managing remote teams and raising employee awareness of teleworking.

  • Christophe SOBRA, MBA,

Coaching in finance as part of taking on the role of General Manager