
Viewed 18 times
02 March 2023
Béatrix Lardeur

Appointments - Béatrix Lardeur has been promoted to Châteauform''s Director of Agencies and Major Sports Events, in this position since January 2023.

Béatrix Lardeur is promoted to Châteauform' Client Director for agencies and major sporting events, in this position since January 2023.
Béatrix Lardeur has been promoted to Châteauform''s Director of Agencies and Major Sports Events, in this position since January 2023. Béatrix Lardeur, Master's degree - Montpellier BS (2011), has completed the following career path:

* 2023: Châteauform', Client Manager for agencies and major sporting events

* 2011 - 2016: Viparis, Project Manager

* 2020 - 2023: Châteauform', Global key account manager

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